Role of Teachers in Developing English Reading and Writing Skills at Elementary Level in Azad Jammu and Kashmir
The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the role of English teachers in developing reading and writing skills at the elementary level. The study was descriptive, and the survey method was used for the collection of data. All the elementary English teachers of District Kotli were the population of the study. The researcher selected 256 teachers through a simple random sampling technique. A questionnaire-based on a five-point Likert scale was developed to collect the data from the elementary school teachers. The reliability of the instrument was measured, and it was found 0.790. The researcher applied mean and standard deviation for analyzing the data. It was found that the elementary teachers did not encourage students to use simple past tense for describing pasts events. It is recommended that for the development of language skills, teachers can use different forms of text vocabulary proficiency through classroom reading, and different forms of genres and texts. Moreover, teachers may provide different picture books and other visual and instructional material in other to encourage writing skills in elementary schools.