Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review <p><iframe src="" width="100%" height="4550"> </iframe></p> Sir Syed College of Education Katlang Mardan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa en-US Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review 2707-9015 Navigating the Complexities: Key Challenges Faced by School Principals in Managing Teaching Practicums <p><em>This research investigated the challenges faced by school principals during the teaching practicum at the University of Education Attock Campus. Using a qualitative descriptive phenomenological design within an interpretive paradigm, the study employed a census sampling strategy involving school principals. Data</em> <em>was collected through self-developed semi-structured interviews, validated by expert evaluations and a pilot study. Thematic analysis rigor was ensured by establishing inter-coder reliability. The study was geographically focused on the University of Education Attock Campus. The research was grounded in a constructivist perspective, addressing challenges faced by school principals and offering insights for improving teacher preparation programs. Thematic analysis revealed key challenges in managing and supporting the practicum, including prospective teachers' lack of subject matter expertise, dependence on traditional methods, irregular attendance, transportation issues, limited student engagement, and classroom management difficulties. Additional challenges involved communication, infrastructure, cooperating teachers' attitudes, and the relationship between prospective teachers and students, which affected the practicum's effectiveness. Improved behavior, engagement, and learning environments were achieved through strategic efforts. School principals recommended better scheduling, innovative teacher training, and earlier practicum start dates for optimal integration. A multifaceted approach involving preparation, principal involvement, and continuous adaptation enhances practicum success. Ongoing professional development, modern teaching methods, and logistical support could reshape teacher training policies by fostering continuous improvement. Strengthening communication and improving infrastructure would create a more structured, supportive environment for prospective educators.</em></p> Dr. Sunble Bibi Dr. Humaira Abbasi Irsa Ghazal Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review 2024-11-22 2024-11-22 5 4 1 11 10.36902/rjsser-vol5-iss4-2024(1-11) Transformational Leadership, Organizational Change and Organizational Innovation: Scale validation through Pilot Study <p><strong><em>Study Overview:</em></strong><em> This study measured the factors and items of Transformational Leadership (TL), Organizational Change (OC) and Organizational Innovation (OI) based on the scale validation through pilot test in the organizational context of private banks of Sindh. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Nature:</em></strong><em> This study was absolutely quantitative and descriptive in nature. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Data collection procedure:</em></strong><em> Primary data sought through instrument (close-ended questionnaire) on 7-point Likert scale.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Population &amp; Sample:</em></strong><em>&nbsp; First Line Managers (FLMs) were targeted for data collection, who were considered as the target population of the current study. A sample of 100 FLMs were taken into consideration for descriptive analysis through convenience sampling.&nbsp; </em></p> <p><strong><em>Data analysis tools:</em></strong><em> SPSS was used for descriptive analysis which including response rate of the survey, Demographic profile of the participants, Cronbach’s Alpha (CBA), Mean, Standard Deviation (SD), Corrected Item Total Correlation (CITC) and Cronbach’s Alpha If Item Deleted (CBAIID). Eventually, Factor Analysis (FA) measured by PLS-SEM.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results:</em></strong><em> All factors and items measured significant and qualified to attain set threshold values of CBA, Mean, SD, CITC, CBAIID and FA except OI-1, OI-3, OI-5 and OI-7. Therefore, considered good fit for further testing for the main study. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusions: </em></strong><em>Four items were considered to be revised or revisited out of thirty. However, all other items were taken into consideration for further testing to complete the main study. &nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Future research directions:</em></strong><em> This instrument was considered to be equally important for other sectors to collect the data and determine relationships between factors such as TL, OC and OI. A new factor can add further value in it. </em></p> Dr. Tauqeer Hussain Hakro Dr. Sarfraz Ali Malak Eman Khaled Irtaimeh Copyright (c) 2024 Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review 2024-12-25 2024-12-25 5 4 12 19 10.36902/rjsser-vol5-iss4-2024(12-19) AI Usage in Education and Mitigation of Abilities: Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking and Creativity among University Students <p><em>Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming prominent in education, providing personalized learning, feedback, and administrative support. However, questions have been raised about the impact of this technology on the development of essential competencies such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity among university students. Although AI can enhance teaching and engagement, it may also undermine human interaction and critical thinking skills. Emphasising the use of AI for writing, problem-solving, and idea generation can hinder students' development in these areas. To mitigate these effects, educators must find ways to balance the benefits of AI with traditional learning approaches. This study aims to explore the effects of AI on students' abilities related to the 4Cs. A quantitative research approach and descriptive design were adopted, using a questionnaire as the study’s main tool. The study population was comprised of students from public sector universities across Punjab. And the random sampling technique was used to select the sample and it was consisted of 200 students from the different departments of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Sargodha. The results indicated that AI usage in education was significantly reducing students' cognitive abilities. It was recommended that AI use should be carefully monitored to support students' cognitive development.</em></p> Dr. Sajid Hasan Saima Nasreen Sahibzada Shamim-ur-Rasul Copyright (c) 2025 Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 4 20 28 10.36902/rjsser-vol5-iss4-2024(20-28) From Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping: China's Commitment to Peace and Global Stability <p><em>This article explores China’s commitment to peace and global stability, tracing its foreign policy from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping. It highlights China’s consistent emphasis on peaceful coexistence, diplomacy, and non-interference. From Mao's revolutionary ideals to Deng Xiaoping's economic focus, and through the leadership of Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and Xi Jinping, China has prioritized peaceful diplomacy over military aggression. Key initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative and Xi’s "Community with a Shared Future for Mankind" reflect China’s ongoing commitment to global cooperation, stability, and multilateralism.</em></p> Jalalud Din Copyright (c) 2025 Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 4 29 34 10.36902/rjsser-vol5-iss4-2024(29-34)