University Students’ Perspectives on Online Teaching Practices during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study

  • Abid Hussain Zafar MPhil Scholar, University of Management and Technology, Lahore
  • Dr. Yaar Muhammad Assistant Professor, Government College Women University, Sialkot
  • Tahira Batool Bokhari Associate Professor of Education, Government Women College, Jhang
Keywords: University Students; Students’ Perspective; Teachers’ Practices; Online Teaching; Covid-19; Pandemic.


Online teaching demands proper awareness of technology and online teaching-learning skills. Online teaching is still new and has not been fully investigated in the Pakistani context. This study aims to investigate the perspectives of university students on the teachers’ practices for online teaching during Covid-19. This study was conducted at a private university in Lahore, Pakistan. Fifteen female graduate students who completed a minimum of one semester with online education were interviewed. The data indicated the teachers’ use of diverse practices for online teaching to enhance students’ learning. It found that teachers chose various teaching methods to meet learning objectives. Most students positively responded to teachers’ online courses, online teaching skills, and expertise. However, some students highlighted the inadequacies found in the online teaching. The study concludes that when students come from diverse social backgrounds and follow the same educational standards in relation to online teaching, there is an urgent need to bridge the difference.

How to Cite
Abid Hussain Zafar, Dr. Yaar Muhammad, & Tahira Batool Bokhari. (2022). University Students’ Perspectives on Online Teaching Practices during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study. Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review, 3(2), 83-91.