Impact of Gender on Emotional Intelligence of University Teachers in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
There are some stereotypical roles, characteristics, and traits associated with different genders. All genders are being linked with certain emotional states. In the context of the Pakistani scenario which is considered as a patriarchal society, the male gender is regarded as a dominant being and has certain traits like strength, confidence, decision making, and power connected with this gender. Conventionally, the female gender is considered to be very emotional, sensitive, lack confidence and decision making skills. The present study focuses on to find out the existing ground realities, if these gender connected traits have any kind of effect on their performance and effectiveness at workplaces. The proposed research purpose is to investigate the effect of gender on teacher's emotional intelligence at higher educational institutions of district Peshawar. The researcher selected three public universities of Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa using cluster sampling technique and using stratified sampling technique SRMEI was administered proportionally to the selected university teachers (female= 59, male= 106) to assess their emotional intelligence. SRMEI comprises three subscales: emotional self-awareness, emotional self-regulation, and interpersonal relationship. Data was analyzed on SPSS version 20 software. The researcher applied a T-Test to investigate the effect of gender on the EI skills of teachers. The study discovered a fact that teachers' (female gender) mean score (M= 3.71, SD= .212) was significantly higher than that of male (M= 2.38, SD=.455) on a factor only i.e. interpersonal skills. While both gender groups display similar results on the remaining two facets of Emotional Intelligence (EI) was concerned.