Investigating the Diversified Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges of the Foreign Qualified Faculty after joining back in Public Sector Universities

  • Dr. Nasrin Akhtar Associate Professor, Department of Science Education, University of Okara
Keywords: Foreign Lecturers, Opportunities, Challenges, Reverse Culture Shock


In recent times, the globe has provided countless options for human-created solutions to problems. Developing countries, including Pakistan, have begun to draw on shared national experiences to chart a course forward, notably in the field of education. A broad figure of lecturers of Pakistani educational institution go abroad to improve their knowledge, following in the footsteps of many other emerging countries and get expertise in a multi-cultural context in order to effectively transform their present practices. Many lecturers in Pakistan have obtained degrees from other countries, and this study will look into their experiences and the issues they face when they return home. Semi-structured interviews with foreign qualified academics were conducted to learn about their experiences while abroad and the opportunities/challenges they experienced upon their return. The major findings of the data analysis revealed that faculty experiences in foreign universities were joyful and beneficial in terms of professional growth and general exposure. During their studies, faculty members enjoyed studying through a range of academic activities such as interactive workshops, seminars, and learning programs. The findings, however, suggested that the foreign qualified professors met difficult hurdles upon their return to Pakistan. When people returned to work in their local surroundings, they faced several obstacles such as reverse culture shock and others. It was also seen they accepted challenges to develop their careers by utilizing their overseas experiences to influence positive change and progress in their practices for the benefit of their students. Several recommendations were made in light of the current investigation.

How to Cite
Dr. Nasrin Akhtar. (2023). Investigating the Diversified Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges of the Foreign Qualified Faculty after joining back in Public Sector Universities. Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review, 4(1), 63-71.