Quranic and Modern Concept of Leadership Skill

  • Dr. Hukamdad Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, NUML, Islamabad
  • Dr. Rafaqat Ali Akbar Professor / Director IER, University of the Punjab Lahore.
Keywords: Leadership, Quran, Importance of Leadership, Modern Concept of Leadership, Theories of Leadership, Models of Leadership Quranic Concept of Leadership


The paper attempts to throw light on the concept of leadership skill as perceived from the Modern writers and researchers and Quranic point of view about leadership. It conceptualizes leadership from two different perspectives; as understood by the modern writers, researchers (which have been researched, deliberated and documented quite extensively), and point of view mainly extracted from the Quran. Leadership skill is considered as a twenty first century skill by many researchers. Its importance is important and essential for human beings. Leadership skills are the potencies and capabilities displayed by in assisting and managing procedures, directing plans and guiding employees towards the achievement of goals and aims.  There have been different theories and models presented by Western writers and researchers on leadership skill. Quran presents clear notion of leadership. Quran elaborates that all prophets were sent as leaders for humanity.

How to Cite
Dr. Hukamdad, & Dr. Rafaqat Ali Akbar. (2023). Quranic and Modern Concept of Leadership Skill. Research Journal of Social Sciences and Economics Review, 4(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.36902/rjsser-vol4-iss1-2023(1-7)